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Committee Members

President Rev. Joseph John
(713) 330-5299
[email protected]
Asst. Vicar Rev. Santhosh Thomas
(832) 837-4721
[email protected]
Secretary Mr. Abraham Samuel
Treasurer Mr. Alexander Jacob
Program Secretary Mrs Beena Kalathoor
Committee members Mrs. Sobha George
Mr. Shaji Jacob
Mrs. Deepa Thomas
Mrs. Ani Jojii
Mr. Ajith Jacob
Auditor Mr. Ninan Kalloor

Hope - Heaven's own precious eyes

Having a child with any type of disability is a devastating experience for parents. Parents often get frustrated with the challenges associated with the rearing of such children. Often times, they do not get the guidance and support they need. Though there are parent support groups, we often get alienated from the groups due to various reasons. Most parents have to deal with the problems themselves. Parents are often hesitant to attend the ARD meetings in school fearing intimidation by school authorities, ignorant about the benefits that they are entitled to from government, misled by people who claim to be problem-solvers. They are worried about who will take care of their children once they come to a stage when they no longer cannot take care of them. It is in this context that the need for a fellowship of parents and volunteers was felt.


Autism is a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life and affects a persons ability to communicate and interact with others. It is defined by a certain set of behaviors and is a “spectrum disorder that affects individuals differently and to varying degrees.There are Three Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDDs):

  • Retts Syndrome.
  • Childhood Disintegrative Disorder.
  • Autistic Disorder.

Our Programs

Training & Awareness
  • Training for parents and volunteers
  • Classes for educating parents about the rights of disabled people and resources available to them.
Monthly Meetings
  • 1st Wednesday of every month
Sunday school
  • Every Sunday at the Immanuel Center at 9:00 a.m.
  • Classes are led by volunteers with occasional services of special education teachers.
  • Hope VBS is conducted once a year
Field trips
  • Field trips once a year (Morgan Wonderland -an exclusive fun place for children with disability)
Hope nite
  • Annual cultural event at the Immanuel Center for raising funds.
  • Also a time of fellowship with other families, well-wishers and supporters.
Hope Christmas
  • Annual Christmas celebration program.
  • Choirs and soloists from various churches participate in the program.
Outreach activities

Hope extended its arms of help to ten children with various disabilities in India. (Over $15,000 has been donated for this cause. The amount of money generated from the bank deposit Interest is used for the benefit of these children).

Respite Program

Government-initiated respite programs have long waiting lists and the hours allotted are limited. In the future, we plan to arrange volunteers or paid staff for these families, so that they could have some time to regroup and recharge.


Ways to help & Prayer

HOPE survives through your ardent daily prayers. Uphold the children and the families in your prayers, that they make progress and have an inclusive life.


Luke 14: 12-14 states: He said also to the man who had invited him, When you give a dinner or a banquet, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbors, lest they also invite you in return and you be repaid. But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you. For you will be repaid at the resurrection of the just.

Be a volunteer at the various HOPE activities. Training will be provided.


You may donate for HOPE activities throughout the year by contacting the Office Bearers Having a child with any type of disability is a devastating experience for parents. Parents often get frustrated with the challenges associated with the rearing of such children. Oftentimes, they do not get the guidance and support they need. Though there are parent support groups, we often get alienated from the groups due to various reasons. Most parents have to deal with the problems themselves. Parents are often hesitant to attend the ARD meetings in school fearing intimidation by school authorities, ignorant about the benefits that they are entitled to from the government, and misled by people who claim to be problem-solvers. They are worried about who will take care of their children once they come to a stage when they no longer cannot take care of them. It is in this context that the need for a fellowship of parents and volunteers was felt.HOPE survived all these years with the prayerful support of believers who believed in the cause for which stands.

About us

The goal and vision of this organization is to provide support to the differently-abled children and their families in the form of our fellowship, our time, and resources, as they are making progress through the challenges of being differently-abled. No one should be alone in this journey.

Sponsor Hope

If you would like to be a sponsor please contact the officer-bearers of HOPE

Secretary: Abraham Samuel

Phone: 281 248 6528

Email: [email protected]

Program Coordinator: Jose K. George

Phone: 281 704 3538

Email: [email protected]


Mathew Zacharia


Sabu M.George

As the Bible aptly states: As he passed by, he saw a man blind from birth. And his disciples asked him, Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus answered, It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him." (John 9: 1-3)

HOPE (acronym for Heaven's Own Precious Eyes) is a non-profit organization that, under the auspices of Immanuel Marthoma Church of Stafford, Texas (IMTC), supports differently-abled children and their families. It was founded on August 3rd, 2010 at IMTC, out of the rising need for fellowship, ministry, and support for the children with various disabilities and their families. HOPE reinforces the Church's dedication and commitment to the needs of its members and the larger community. Members of this parish as well as others in the community are actively involved in the work of this organization.

The need for this organization

Having a child that is differently-abled can be an overwhelming experience for parents and families. Even though there are support groups and community resources, oftentimes it might feel like an isolating experience. Most parents strive forward by themselves with very little support from others. Matters such as the proper schooling of the children, daycare when they are out of school and lack of guidance and knowledge about benefits from the government, can all be emotionally taxing on the families. There is also constant concern about providing a safe future for the children when the parents and families are unable to do so. It is in this context that the church stepped up to the need of the parish to initiate an organization that could be a solace for these families within the church as well as in the community

Long term goal

Rehabilitation and Dayhab Project

HOPE has a long-term project to rehabilitate children and adults who are differently-abled. The project also plans to incorporate their training and development as well. All parents are deeply concerned about the future of their children regardless of their ability. So, it is only reasonable to have concerns about the children that are differently abled in terms of their future and their care. Even though there are institutions that are available for the differently-abled, many parents have reservations regarding the care or lack thereof that their children will face. Since most of the children are not able to communicate their needs, parents are left to anguish about their children being mistreated or not cared for properly. The church plays a significant role in this project. We request all like-minded believers to come together and strive towards having a rehabilitation center. This will give peace of mind to many families, who can be assured that their child is in a reliable facility that they trust.

Circle of hope

A group of concerned people and parents who have children with various disabilities like autism, cerebral palsy, down syndrome, etc. decided to start a ministry among the special needs children. They formed an organization on August 3rd, 2010 at Immanuel Center, Stafford, Houston. The organization arranges training for parents and volunteers, classes for educating parents about the rights of disabled people and resources available to them. We meet on the 1st Wednesday of every month for fellowship and program planning.

Become a volunteer & Contact

Abraham Samuel

Phone: 281 248 6528

Email: [email protected]

Jose K. George

Phone: 281 704 3538

Email: [email protected]