Sunday School Announcements
1. The IMTC VBS will be held from June 28th to June 30th. Theme for the year is, Camp Firelight: A Summer Camp Adventure with God. The key verse is “Whenever I'm afraid, I put my trust in You.” Psalm 56:3.
To register your student, please fill out the form using this QR code:
Registration fees will be $35 per child and may be paid by cash, check, or Venmo. Cash or check payments should be dropped off at the VBS table on Sundays at church. Immanuel MTC Sunday School's Venmo Account handle is: @IMTC-Sunday School. Please include your children's name and age with payment.
We rely on our volunteers and teachers to help create a positive experience for our children. Please consider signing up to volunteer or teach at this year’s VBS by filling out the form using this QR code :